Just start experience

Shanzae Tahir
2 min readDec 18, 2020


One of my personal goals which, I think, is SMART enough to be followed is “loosing weight”. Since my childhood, I have been a chubby person and by now, its my great desire to look slim and fit. Every person wants to look pretty and fit, so as me, I really want myself to be fit in all those dresses which I like to wear.

Past experience

I have tried a number of times to loose weight in the past, but was unable to do so. One reason can be my love for food, I am a foody person and can not survive without my favorite high carb dishes for so long. Also I have never done proper workout and exercises.

But now my sister’s wedding is expected in next few months and I want to look pretty and slim on that event. I have decided to follow this goal with full loyalty and so I have reduced my everyday calorie intake. I have also abandoned rice and sugar intake and have started 60 minutes walk on daily basis. I hope it will work.


As you know that loosing weight is not an easy task, I am also facing challenges. Managing a special low carb meal every day and sparing 60 minutes for walk along with my busy routine is not at all simple and easy. sometimes I even have to starve, but I am fully motivated as I know that all my handwork will be fruitful one day.


I am looking forward to change my entire unhealthy lifestyle with a healthy one. also I will be evaluating my progress level by using a weighing machine. I hope to achieve my desired weight and figure by next few months, by doing so, I am also avoiding my previous mistakes and trying to learn new things from new experiences.

