Fixing stuff around yourself as a leadership demonstration

Shanzae Tahir
3 min readDec 18, 2020


In a cold evening, I am sitting in my bedroom because it is relatively warm, doing my project work. suddenly I came to know that I have to do an interesting activity and give my experience words in the form of a blog. I am very excited because its my first experience of writing a blog so let’s do it.

  1. The place where I am sitting right now

Its my bedroom which is my favorite place, I am sitting on my bed and observing my surroundings. Its a medium sized room which is green in color and all the interior decoration stuff is compatible with the green walls.

2. Mess around me

On my bed, there are a few notes and books around me and a few bottles and pages on the side table. All of these are placed in a very undesirable manner. Also one of the pillows is misplaced. I really need to fix them all in order to give my favorite place a nice appearance again.

3. Applying the principle of “Amal”

I immediately decided to get up and not to waste anymore time as I have learned the principle of “Amal”. I pilled up all the notes and books and place them where they actually belong, also I moved that bottles to the right place. but one minute.. something is wrong, I mean its not looing good even now. Oh, I forgot to place the misplaced pillow. Yeah! that’s like my place.

4. My experience about the activity

After fixing the stuff around me, I felt a strange feeling. I don’t know whether it is inner satisfaction or the mess in my mind which is being cleared now? But the thing is, what I have learnt? Well! I learned that whenever you find something wrong around you, something misplaced or a situation which needs to be fixed, don’t wait for the time when it get fixed by itself, No!. Go ahead, take the first step.

5. considering the flip side

If the activity was not given in the project work, I would surely not done this on time. Rather I may procrastinated or waited for this to be done by someone else. The reason why I think of it is, I might not be ready to take the responsibility or that because I might be preoccupied by workload.

6. Leadership demonstration

As I have learnt in the course about everyday leader ship, this act is a clear demonstration of it. I have took the authority and responsibility by myself to fix the stuff and by doing so definitely I am reducing the possibility of conflict that may rise between me and my sister or between us and mother.

All I have learnt is, good actions and good intentions always pay off, no matter they are in the form of self-satisfaction or inner peace or whatever.

For showing leadership or for making good changes, there is no need to be a person in power or a leader, all we need to do is, do what you can do easily just like the concept of everyday leadership.

